So these are my little wild creatures, so happy and fresh, pink-cheeked and breathless from running about outside on this leap day. This leap day, February 29th, right? Here in Ohio? Where it is nearly 70 degrees? I have the windows open, listening to very confused birds twitter and sing. We have started to notice during our first year here on the hill the signs that signal subtle changes as the seasons progress - those zeitgebers that cue the flora and fauna when it is time for an entrance, or a costume change, or to exit stage left. I need to start noting these in a tangible form (hmmm, maybe this blog will be good for something) instead of just saying, "Oh, the geese are on the move" or "I heard the coyotes calling to each other; it must be close to mating season". And while we've noticed the lengthening of the day just as well as the birds have, days like this propel us weeks down the road in anticipation of what is to come, but alas, it's probably just an appetizer, because there is just reason for the old adage, "If you don't like the weather in Ohio, just wait five minutes." I'm sure we'll see the snow fly again before long and feel the bite of the wind on our noses, but for now, I'll open the windows and watch the wild animals playing outside.